Monday, July 11, 2016

Memories vs Reality

One's mind could play tricks on one. How accurate are your memories? As much as I wish I have perfect memories, especially for the happy ones, I know that I "beautify" them. I remember distinctly getting excited and rushing to the door when I hear my godfather's whistle every evening when he came home. But the details eludes me.

My godsister told me that when they were younger, my godfather used to be very bad-tempered and had more than one occassion raised his hand at my godmother. That wasn't the man I knew. I remember him as a kind and quiet man, smoking in a corner, watching and listening as the rest of the family chatted in the living room. He offered to pay for my education when he heard that I was having financial difficulty to stay in college, though I didn't take up the offer, I was truly grateful because he didn't have much.

Did I choose to only see the good in the one man whom I thought was the most down-to-earth and real guy in my life? 

Saturday, July 2, 2016










Monday, June 11, 2012



Opera talk about Aha! moments all the time, but I haven't really noticed me having one (probably I did, but I wasn't conscious about it). It happened two days ago, when I least expect it. I was having an ordinary day, casually walking to a shopping complex from the MRT station. As usual, I would look around and observe people I see. Details like what they are wearing, how they walk, how they talk, how they look are things which I would pay attention to and process in my mind. Then I will think to myself if they are perfect or how things could be improved. What can be changed to improve their overall score in my mind?

Suddenly, it flashes in my mind that if I could see myself now, I would have failed miserably. That thought spin off to more thoughts and led to the following conclusion : I haven't been taking care of myself. Not because I couldn't, or that I didn't have the time, but simply that I didn't have the motivation to do so. An Aha! moment : I don't love me anymore! Can't remember when this started, but with each passing day, I drift further away from my idea of a perfect woman.

I have decided to love me more.

Deep down inside, I know that I have the making of a perfect woman (at least MY idea of a perfect woman), but my laziness seem to win everyday. This is no longer acceptable. Today will be the first day of my journey toward being the perfect woman.

Step 1 : Vision Board
Set up a vision board and keep it in my mobile so I could be reminded & motivated by the life of my dream

Thursday, December 2, 2010



Saturday, October 3, 2009



不想失去你 却无法爱你
不想伤害你 却不能骗你 更不能骗自己

如果时间能治愈情伤 那我必须等多久才能痊愈
当伤口结成了疤 心就能停止痛楚吗


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Secrets - a dirty word?

Is it in our nature to lie?
Is our heart such a mysterious place we need to hide from the outside world?

The value of a secret lies in it's nature, not in it's content.
It is precious because it's a secret; and not that it is a secret because it is precious.

I have a secret. I have a secret identity, and that identity is me.
Always trying divert the attention away from the real me, I try to be comical, loud, rough and rude at times. Be everything that I am not, be as mis-understood as I could be, be as unreal as the situation allows.

The rule of my life : When people in my life leave, it's because they have not known the real me, therefore it is their fault, not mine. It is their weakness, not mine. They are just not strong enough for me. They are just not special enough to feel my inner thoughts. An excuse I give myself constantly. If I don't open my heart, I could not be hurt.

Many things have been done to protect my vulnerable core, my weak soul. Even when I do not give my all, it still hurt.

There are a few people who caught a glimst of my true self, a few short moments when I allow the inner self to surface. Before they could figure out what happen, I would close the door again and they would not know the difference.

If the world doesn't like my facade, I could live with that. If the world doesn't like the real me, could I live with that? What can I do then? I've been waiting for the one worthy but he seem to have lost his way.

Where is my Prince Charming?

Monday, October 13, 2008


What is Charity?

When you give all of yourself, asking nothing in return, is that charity?

When you lend a helping hand to a needy person, is that charity?

I've constantly reminded myself to perform charitable acts, to give a portion of my earnings to Charitable Organisations, is that charity?

As I watched the President's Star Chariy Show "" on tv last night, I found myself weeping like a child. Many people on the show (and I'm sure, many people watching the show) felt sorry for the "unfortunates". Personally, I dislike to refer to these people as needy, I feel that they are merely people who have more challanges in life than me. I admire their strength and determination, compassion and the ability to be grateful for all that they have.

As I dialled the numbers on my cell-phone to donate a small token, I asked myself : Was my donation a charitable act? No, it was a token of appreciation for their charitable act. They have humbled me by showing the virtue of life, the goodness of man and the joy of giving. They have given me more than I could repay.